Players learn the fundamentals of dribbling, passing, shooting and defense. We will also focus on offensive and defensive strategies as well as specific position development.
Classes include games and scrimmages incorporating skills learned.
Class 1
10 minutes:
• Introduction / Attendance
• Dynamic Warm Ups: Light jog, high knees, bottom kicks, bear crawl, and sprint.
• Static Stretches
15 minutes: Technique
Drill – Toe Taps
*The players will tap the ball with the bottom of their toes with the ball on the floor, and
alternate feet.
• Add Challenge: How many times can you tap the ball in 30 seconds?
Drill – Touches
*The students will dribble the ball and every time they contact the ball with their feet counts as a
touch. The goals is to get as many touches as they can within a certain time frame (30 seconds).
The students will learn that controlling the ball and keeping it close to their body is the most
effective way to get more touches.
- “Hi” Dribbles
• The players dribble their ball around the field, and they must say “hi” to whoever they
pass by. After 30 seconds to a minute, we may change the command up to high fives, fist
bumps, dance moves etc.
*We emphasize that soccer is a team sport, and even though they may compete against each
other during the class at some point, they are all still part of the same team and group.
10 minutes: Game – Balls in the Middle
*The coaches set up two goals, and place all of the balls in the middle for the students to dribble
and score.
• Variation 1: players are separated into two teams and compete against each other
• Variation 2: players compete against a coach to see who can score more balls in their goal
15 minutes: Relays
• Round 1: run around the cone and back, next person goes until the whole team finishes
• Round 2: dribble ball around the cone and back
• Round 3: dribble the ball to score, and run back
- 5 minutes of this lesson plan is allotted for bathroom/water breaks
Class 2
10 minutes:
• Attendance / Goals
• Dynamic Warm ups: add crab walks
• Static Stretches
* Each class will begin with a goal or overview of what is to be learned.
* A new warm up technique will be added for the first half of classes in a 10 class session
10 minutes:
- Review Toe Taps and Control Dribbling
*Many classes will begin by giving students a refresher of what was learned in prior classes to be
able to progress to new skills, while practicing skills learned.
- Spy Game
*This is a variation of red light, green light where the coach has their back turned to the players.
They will dribble their ball to get to the coach first before the other players, and must stop if the
coach turns around. If the coach “spots” the player moving, that player must start from the
• Round 1: Don’t use balls, instead they players just run and freeze
• Round 2: Use balls for the dribbling and stop technique
15 minutes: Technique
- Passing
• We pair the kids up to pass to each other, using the side of their foot to kick for accuracy
and stopping the ball as they receive it.
• They can then progress to 2 and 3 touch passing
• Move into groups of 3 for triangle passing
15 minutes:
Game: Steal the Bacon Scrimmage
*Players are lined up across from each other with corresponding numbers. When specific
numbers are called, those players will face off in a controlled soccer game. Steal the Bacon style
allows a controlled scrimmage where the coach is allowed teaching points during the course of
the game, along with maximizing repetitions for everyone involved.
- 5 minutes allotted for bathroom/water breaks
Class 3
10 minutes:
• Attendance / Goals
• Dynamic Warm Ups: add carioca
• Static Stretches
5 minutes:
-Line Game: The students are taught the lines and other areas on the soccer field: goal line,
sideline, midfield, center circle, penalty area etc
*The instructor will call out the line/area, and give the students 5 or less seconds to run to the
line. The students love running to try the beat the coach’s countdown.
15 minutes: Technique
*The coach will now add on different dribbling techniques
• Dribbling the ball using one foot, and alternating to the other foot
• Dragging the ball by placing their foot on top of the ball and sliding it over
• Dribbling in between players feet, and using cones to zig zag through
10 minutes: Battleship Teams
• The coach separates the players into two teams, with a half line and triangle cones places
on each side. The players must knock down all of the opposing team’s cones first to win.
10 minutes: Battleship Individual
• The coach gives each player 3 cones and they are spread out in a rectangle formation.
The coach will give each player a number, and will call out two numbers – those two
players will dribble and try to knock down the other person’s cone down first. The winner
is the last person with at least 1 cone left.
- 5 minutes allotted for bathroom/water breaks
Class 4
10 minutes:
• Attendance / Goals
• Dynamic Warm ups: add leap frogs
• Static Stretches
15 minutes: Games
• Dribble Tag, Dribble Knockout
*Dribble Tag: One player begins as the “tagger”, and as he/she tags other players, they must
freeze. The frozen students are freed by their teammates by dribbling a soccer ball between theire
teammates’ legs.
*Dribble Knockout: All players face off against each other, attempting to steal other players’
balls without contact. If a player’s ball rolls outside of a boundary line established by the coach,
that player is out, until one player remains. This game utilizes the control dribble.
15 minutes:
Drill: Shooting Technique
• The coaches teach the students how to shoot with both accuracy and power – using the
side of the foot and take a few steps back from the ball if necessary.
*Students will take turns scoring into goals – multiple goals will be set up to avoid excessive
10 minutes:
• Shooting Relay Around Cones
*The coach separates the players into two teams, and this is a variation of a relay where the
students must run around a cone and shoot their ball in the goal before the other player does to
win the point.
- 5 minutes allotted for bathroom/water breaks
Class 5
10 minutes:
• Attendance / Goals
• Dynamic Warm Ups: add jumping jacks
• Static Stretches
15 minutes:
- Give and Go
• The player will pass (give) the ball to a coach, and run (go) ahead to spot on the field
towards to goal where they will receive a pass back and shoot the ball in the goal.
*This is an advanced drill once the players have practice passing and shooting accurately in the
previous classes.
10 minutes:
- Tic Tac Toe
• The coach uses cones to make a Tic Tac Toe Board in the middle of the field. Two teams
on either side must dribble up to a cone, take a marker to place on the board, and dribble
back to allow their teammates to go next. The first team to place their markers 3 in a row
wins, just like in the regular game.
*Professional teams do this as well, it’s a great way to build camaraderie and a fun way to
15 minutes:
Game: Steal the Bacon Scrimmage
*Players are lined up across from each other with corresponding numbers. When specific
numbers are called, those players will face off in a controlled soccer game. Steal the Bacon style
allows a controlled scrimmage where the coach is allowed teaching points during the course of
the game, along with maximizing repetitions for everyone involved.
- 5 minutes allotted for bathroom/water breaks
Class 6
10 minutes:
• Attendance / Goals
• Dynamic Warm Ups: add lateral shuffle
• Static Stretches
15 minutes:
- Learn Overhead Throw
*Now that the students understand that most of the soccer game will be played using their feet,
they can now learn a skill that involves using their hands: the overhead throw.
• The players will hold the ball with two hands, above their head and throw it in front of
them. In order to throw with more power, we teach them to step into their throw.
• We will then set up triangle cones in front of them at varying distances. The players will
use their overhead throw to try to knock down all of the cones.
• The players can then play the Battleship Teams variation using the overhead throws
instead of kicks.
10 Minutes:
Game – Marbles
• This game emphasizes passing/kicking with accuracy. Each player has a soccer ball and
tries to kick anyone else ball using their own. If they make contact, the other person is out
until the last person remains.
*If multiple players are waiting, they can begin a new game on a different side of the field.
15 minutes:
Game: Steal the Bacon Scrimmage
- 5 minutes allotted for bathroom/water breaks
Class 7
10 minutes:
• Attendance / Goals
• Dynamic Warm Ups
• Static Stretches
20 minutes: Fake Technique
- The coach will set up a cones in the shape of a square, with two mini cones in the middle.
Players from opposite sides will run to the middle, practice a “fake” move and go to the other
side. The players should first practice without the ball, and use the ball during later rounds.
• Shoulder Fake
• Shot Fake
5 minutes: Watermelon Ball
• To mix things up, we bring in our huge inflatable watermelon ball that the players can
kick around. They will be set up in a circle, and they can kick the ball if it comes in their
*The students get a KICK out of this game, pun fully intended!
10 minutes: Rainbow Tag
*Rainbow tag is a variation of sharks and minnows. The coach will call out a color, and if
students are wearing any of the specific colors on their clothes, they will attempt to run to the
other side without being tagged.
5 minutes: Race the Coach
• The students have been competing against each other for the past few classes. They will
try to race the coach to the other side, and they win a prize if they beat the coach.
Depending on the dynamics of the group, they might win or lose the race that day. At
some points, players need to learn that they won’t win all the time.
- 5 minutes allotted for bathroom/water breaks
Class 8
10 minutes:
• Attendance / Goals
• Dynamic Warm Ups
• Static Stretches
10 minutes:
- Spy Game
*This is a variation of red light, green light where the coach has their back turned to the players.
They will dribble their ball to get to the coach first before the other players, and must stop if the
coach turns around. If the coach “spots” the player moving, that player must start from the
• Round 1: Don’t use balls, instead they players just run and freeze
• Round 2: Use balls for the dribbling and stop technique
10 minutes: Obstacle Course
• This is a simple course for the players to review some techniques: zig zag through cones,
drag over the middle line, overhead throw and shoot in their goal.
10 minutes: 4 corners
• There are 4 pockets formed by cones in the shape of a rectangle, and a coach or
designated player must steal the ball from everyone else. If the players make it into the
corners, they are safe for 5 seconds before they must dribble to another corner – this
prevents players from camping out.
10 minutes: Balls in the Middle
*The coaches set up two goals, and place all of the balls in the middle for the students to dribble
and score.
• Variation 1: players compete against a coach to see who can score more balls in their goal
• Variation 2: players are separated into two teams and compete against each other
- 5 minutes allotted for bathroom/water breaks
Class 9
10 minutes:
• Attendance / Goals
• Dynamic Warm ups
• Static Stretches
10 minutes: Tricks
• The coaches will show the students how to do different tricks with the ball. These are a
lot of fun to learn, but they are difficult with knowing basic control techniques so we save
this towards the end of the session since it’s Beginner’s Soccer.
30 minutes: Class Session Favorites
• Relays
• Steal the Bacon Scrimmage
• Battleship
• 4 Corners
• Rainbow Tag
• Dribble Tag
• Dribble Knockout
*The last two classes are reserved for the players’ favorite games throughout the session.
- 5 minutes allotted for bathroom/water breaks
Class 10
10 minutes:
• Attendance / Goals
• Dynamic Warm ups
• Static Stretches
40 minutes:
• Relays
• Steal the Bacon Scrimmage
• Battleship
• 4 Corners
• Rainbow Tag
• Dribble Tag
• Dribble Knockout
*The last two classes are reserved for the players’ favorite games throughout the session.
- 5 minutes allotted for bathroom/water breaks
Class 11
10 Minutes:
• Attendance
• Warm Ups
40 Minutes:
• Scrimmage
- 5 minutes allotted for bathroom/water breaks
Instructor - JST Athletics
02/07/2025, 02/14/2025, 02/21/2025, 02/28/2025, 03/07/2025, 03/14/2025, 03/21/2025, 03/28/2025, 04/11/2025, 04/25/2025, 05/02/2025
Participants must be entering grades 3 to 5.
Minimum: 5
Maximum: 15
Registration starts on 01/19/2025 and ends on 01/29/2025.
Room: Gym
Please contact RLC PTO if you have any questions.