This basketball class will focus on the basic skills of dribbling, passing and shooting. Kids will practice these skills and play small sided games that incorporate each skill. They will also learn to move to open space with and without the ball and the basic rules of the game.
February- Kids focus on dribbling, passing, shooting and play small sided games
March- Kids begin moving into open space with and without ball, learn rules
April- Kids start to play 5 v 5 basketball
Instructor - Brian Myers, Julie Myers
02/05/2025, 02/12/2025, 02/19/2025, 02/26/2025, 03/05/2025, 03/12/2025, 03/19/2025, 03/26/2025, 04/02/2025, 04/09/2025, 04/23/2025, 04/30/2025
Participants must be entering grades 3 to 5.
Minimum: 5
Maximum: 20
Registration starts on 01/19/2025 and ends on 01/29/2025.
Room: Gym
Please contact RLC PTO if you have any questions.